Big day approaches for London marathon runner David Schmitz
26th Apr 2019
David Schmitz, a barrister with Ten Old Square, is running the London marathon on Sunday 28th April 2019 in aid of C-Potential, formerly the London Centre for Children with cerebral palsy. The registered charity provides vital life changing learning for children and adults, running a range of activities and therapies including Conductive Education, speech and language therapy and music therapy.
Running 26.2 miles is no mean feat and David has run twice before for the charity. As he said “I want to support this local centre of excellence so it can offer its services to even more children and their families.”
Watch out for runner number 36069 on the day. Chambers wishes David lots of luck with this marathon feat and every success raising much needed funds for his chosen charity.
Visit David’s fund raising page here
David Schmitz Call 1976