‘Gifts in the Court of Protection’ Breakfast Briefing at The Supreme Court
Date: 14th November 2019, 08:00 to 09:30
Location: The Supreme Court, Little George Street, London, UK
Richard Dew, Georgia Bedworth and Leon Pickering discussed recent developments in relation to
gift-giving and the Court of Protection. Georgia revisited IHT mitigation in the light of PBC v JMA to consider
whether it offers a coherent new approach and Leon considered recent cases concerning gifts by attorneys
and deputies, including where they have been authorised by the terms of the LPA.
Richard Dew
Georgia Bedworth
Gifts to mitigate IHT in the light of PBC v JMA and Others [2018] EWCOP 19
Leon Pickering
Gifts by Attorneys and Deputies following Various LPAs [2019] EWCOP 40 and other recent cases
8.00am Registration and breakfast
8.30am Briefing
9.15am Q & A
9.30am Closing remarks, followed by tea and coffee. There was also an opportunity to tour the venue.
Seminar materials available upon request