Eason Rajah KC to deliver webinar on Pakistan v Prince Mukarram Jah & Ors: The Inside Story
24th Apr 2020
Pakistan v Prince Mukarram Jah & Ors: The Inside Story
This is an exclusive interactive panel on the alleged acts of state, gun-running, geo-politics, the fall of the Raj and a great dynasty which come together in this extraordinary episode of trust litigation in 2019.
Hear from those directly involved in the case, including:
– Hodge Malek KC, 3VB, UK
– Eason Rajah KC, Ten Old Square, UK
– Paul Hewitt, Withers, UK
– Moderator: Dakis Hagen KC, Serle Court, UK
Date and time: Apr 30, 2020 01:00 PM London
The Honourable Mr Justice Rajah