Jeremy Callman to deliver a range of courses for MBL Seminars
3rd May 2022
Partnership & LLP Law – The Building Blocks
A one hour introductory level ‘learn live’ overview of partnerships and LLPs to take place 10:30am-11:30am on 7 June 2022 with Jeremy Callman
Partnership & LLP Law – Recent Case Law & Developments in One Hour
A one hour practitioners’ eye webinar review of key partnership and LLP case law developments in 2022 with Jeremy Callman and Tom Arnull
Partnership & LLP Law – A Roundup with Ten Old Square Chambers
A fuller two hour practitioners’ eye webinar review of key partnership and LLP case law developments in 2022 with Jeremy Callman and Tom Arnull
LLP & Partnership Agreements – Drafting Tips & Traps
A one hour practitioner’s webinar review of key points to have in mind when drafting in the partnership and LLP field with Jeremy Callman
An Introduction to Partnership & LLP Law
A webinar providing an introduction to partnerships and LLPs with Jeremy Callman
Partner & Member Exits – Key Case Law & Developments
A webinar unpacking key points for partner and member exits with Jeremy Callman
Jeremy Callman Call 1991 Thomas Arnull Call 2019