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Philip Jenkins

"He is superb, bright, user friendly and highly commercial. Philip cuts through the detail."
(Chambers UK 2024)

Philip Jenkins is an established Chancery practitioner with a particularly strong reputation for his advisory, drafting and litigation work in the fields of wills, probate, the administration of trusts and estates, real property and related professional negligence claims.

Client testimonials include:

“Authoritative, approachable and excellent with clients. An expert in all aspects of contested trusts and probate, Philip combines superb drafting skills with a natural and confident advocacy style. He is particularly effective in mediations given his ability to cut through to the heart of the issues.”

“Philip has a remarkable clarity of thought and always expresses himself in a way which clients of all kinds find straightforward and easy to understand.”

“We get a great deal of working with Philip as members of a team together. He is able to step in and then out in a way which gives our clients the greatest benefit.  He can do that in substantial cases over a long period of time, picking up the reins again without a pause.”

Philip is also a qualified Mediator and conducts mediations that fall within his core areas of practice.

Trusts & Estates

Contentious private client work is the mainstay of Philip’s busy practice and he is regularly instructed in substantial trusts and estates.

Particular areas of expertise include:

  • Contested summonses and probate claims.
  • Applications to court under the 1975 Act.
  • Applications to court for the removal of personal representatives and trustees.
  • Trust disputes.
  • Applications to court for directions in relation to questions or disputes involving trusts and estates.
  • Intervener claims in matrimonial proceedings vindicating property rights.
  • Claims arising from breach of trust or fiduciary duty, ranging from devastavit to self-dealing to fraud.
  • Proprietary estoppel, constructive trust and mutual will claims.
  • Applications to court for rectification of wills and rectification or setting aside of deeds (including where motivated by fiscal advantage).


“Philip is an empathetic adviser, who is unafraid to be robust in negotiation and in his advice.”

“He’s very knowledgeable and gets to grips with facts very quickly.”

“Philip is super-intelligent and able to assist with all manner of issues. He is excellent at managing clients and their expectations.”

Chambers UK 2025

“An excellent communicator with the ability to cut through matters and distil complex issues into easy to follow advice.”

“A barrister of choice for contentious probate cases. He is an expert in the field, whose advice is considered and accurate. Circumspect and realistic, yet positive and ‘can do’, he is a very effective, measured advocate.”

Chambers UK 2024

“He is absolutely solid, unflappable and quite shrewd. I was impressed by him.”

Chambers UK 2023

“Very easy to communicate with and very user-friendly. He has a very pragmatic approach.”

Chambers UK 2022

“Approachable, down to earth and flexible – an excellent barrister.”

“He’s very good and very helpful, adopting a no-nonsense approach which is so welcome.”

Chambers UK 2021

“Approachable, down to earth and flexible – an excellent barrister”

“He’s very good and very helpful, with a no-nonsense approach which is so welcome.”

Chambers HNW 2020

“Extremely good – clients love him, he sees the bigger picture and he takes a very good, strategic approach.”

Chambers UK 2020

“Philip was very user-friendly, commercially minded and pragmatic. His papers and closing submissions were drafted with acute and thorough attention to detail, while his advocacy was methodical, clear and engaging”

HNW Guide 2019


  • PhD (Jean Baudrillard: Deconstruction & Alterity), Bristol University (2001)
  • École Normale Supérieure, Paris (2000)
  • BA Hons (First Class), University of Leeds (1995)


Qualified Mediator – Society of Mediators

Associations & Memberships

  • Bar Pro Bono Unit
  • Chancery Bar Association

For more information and advice

Call: +44 (0)20 7405 0758


Pricing Policy

Unless otherwise agreed my Clerk will calculate my fees based on my current hourly rate. My rates are reviewed annually and details can be obtained from my Clerk. Once a rate is set for any particular case the hourly rate will only ever be adjusted with express agreement between my Clerks and those instructing me. All fees are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate where applicable.



  • Sachs Prize, Middle Temple
  • Harmsworth Major Scholarship, Middle Temple
  • City University Scholarship, Middle Temple

Philip Jenkins is a self-employed, independent barrister whose practice is governed by the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales. He is regulated by The Bar Standards Board [Bar Ref 45948] and is fully insured with the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund [BMIF Ref 2360/072] to provide legal services, please refer to the BMIF website for full details of the world-wide cover provided. He is registered for VAT under the reference 844047531.

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