We offer expert legal advice and representation with barristers who specialise in Chancery and Commercial law.
Chambers has extensive, collective expertise and considerable practical experience of how multiple legal disciplines often overlap when applied to the actual issues our clients face. We also offer highly skilled barristers who practice in areas that fall outside the scope of traditional Chancery law.
Our friendly, professional Clerks’ Room is the principal port of call for anyone who would like to instruct a barrister at Ten Old Square.
Our team of clerks will advise on the expertise and availability of the barristers in Chambers and discuss the most suitable fee structures for your case. They will do this in a speedy and responsive manner, keeping you fully informed throughout the process.
Our clerks offer a very high quality service combined with a down-to-earth and collaborative approach.
If you would like to discuss a specific case, arrange a meeting or receive further information about any of our barristers, areas of expertise or about the way we work in general, please contact our clerks.
Our excellent legal services extend beyond case work to the provision of remote talks, complimentary training events and programmes to support our clients’ continuing competence requirements.
Further details about this can be found on our events page or by contacting Emily Overett.
Ten Old Square is a professional, friendly and forward-looking set.
We are renowned for delivering an outstanding level of service and welcome applications from like-minded individuals.
Ten Old Square is an award-winning set of Chancery barristers’.
Chambers contains some of the finest and brightest lawyers currently practising in all the current Chancery disciplines. Our Chambers comprises of talented barristers whose expertise meets and exceeds the demands of those who approach us needing legal representation and require expert advice of the very highest calibre.
Chambers offers non-assessed mini-pupillages to those who would like to gain experience of life in a Chancery set.
Mini-pupillages generally take place over 2 days and we usually offer 9 a year. As a mini-pupil you will sit with a member of Chambers. You will usually look at the work undertaken by him or her and you may also be asked to participate in an advocacy or advice learning exercise.
Candidates must have either completed at least the first year of a law degree or applied for or obtained a place on a Graduate Law Diploma course by the time of applying for mini-pupillage.
Further information about mini-pupillage can be found in our Pupillage and Junior Recruitment Policy which can be downloaded from the Pupillage page of this website. We ask that prospective applicants read this information before applying.
How to apply
Applications should be made using the attached application form.
Please note that we are unable to consider CVs and covering letters. Please send applications to minipupillage@tenoldsquare.com and title your email ‘mini-pupillage application’.
When to apply
We invite mini-pupils to attend in three specific time periods in the year. Applications should be made by the following deadlines:
Applications cannot be considered for the relevant mini-pupillage period after the deadline has passed but will be considered for the next mini-pupillage period.
Mini-pupillages for under-represented groups
We are committed to widening access to the Bar to those from under-represented social backgrounds. As part of that commitment, we offer:
We strongly encourage any candidate who fulfils our access criteria to apply for one of these reserved mini-pupillage places. Candidates who apply for a reserved place are still eligible for an unreserved place (on an equal footing with other candidates). To apply for a reserved place, simply fill out the access scheme section of our mini-pupillage application form.
As noted above, if you have been offered and have accepted or completed an access mini-pupillage with us, you will be guaranteed a first-round pupillage interview with us on the first occasion that you apply for pupillage thereafter. To take advantage of this, candidates must apply to Chambers through the Gateway and provide the Pupillage Secretary with their Pupillage Gateway candidate number for that season, prior to the date on which the Gateway gives Chambers access to the applications (which usually happens a few days after the application period closes). This information should be emailed to pupillage@tenoldsquare.com.
Travel expenses and other financial assistance
Chambers offers to reimburse reasonable travel expenses for mini-pupils who live some distance away from Chambers and are experiencing hardship: for further details, please see our Pupillage and Junior Recruitment Policy. Some applicants may also be eligible for support from the Lincoln’s Inn Mini-Pupillage Grant Scheme: for further details, please see here.
Equality and diversity
Ten Old Square is committed to equality of opportunity and to diversity amongst our members, clerks, staff, pupils and mini-pupils.