We offer expert legal advice and representation with barristers who specialise in Chancery and Commercial law.
Chambers has extensive, collective expertise and considerable practical experience of how multiple legal disciplines often overlap when applied to the actual issues our clients face. We also offer highly skilled barristers who practice in areas that fall outside the scope of traditional Chancery law.
Our friendly, professional Clerks’ Room is the principal port of call for anyone who would like to instruct a barrister at Ten Old Square.
Our team of clerks will advise on the expertise and availability of the barristers in Chambers and discuss the most suitable fee structures for your case. They will do this in a speedy and responsive manner, keeping you fully informed throughout the process.
Our clerks offer a very high quality service combined with a down-to-earth and collaborative approach.
If you would like to discuss a specific case, arrange a meeting or receive further information about any of our barristers, areas of expertise or about the way we work in general, please contact our clerks.
Our excellent legal services extend beyond case work to the provision of remote talks, complimentary training events and programmes to support our clients’ continuing competence requirements.
Further details about this can be found on our events page or by contacting Emily Overett.
Ten Old Square is a professional, friendly and forward-looking set.
We are renowned for delivering an outstanding level of service and welcome applications from like-minded individuals.
Ten Old Square is an award-winning set of Chancery barristers’.
Chambers contains some of the finest and brightest lawyers currently practising in all the current Chancery disciplines. Our Chambers comprises of talented barristers whose expertise meets and exceeds the demands of those who approach us needing legal representation and require expert advice of the very highest calibre.
Both Ten Old Square and its members are regularly recommended for their expertise in representing clients in commercial and business disputes. We have substantial experience of litigating a broad range of business disputes, aiming to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients through well planned and executed litigation strategies.
We are sensitive to the commercial realities faced by our clients, and provide practical and solution-focused advice whilst advocating fearlessly to advance our clients’ interests and achieve their aims. In doing so, our members are able to draw upon our significant expertise in related areas of law, including resolving these matters via Arbitration and, where appropriate, mediation.
Particular areas of expertise include:
Our barristers are expert in company law matters, from incorporation and operation through to dispute resolution and dissolution. Our interdisciplinary expertise, particularly in Commercial & Business Disputes, Partnerships & LLPs, Civil Fraud and Asset Recovery and Insolvency means that we are instructed in high-value and complex cases in a wide variety of fields, from music companies to Fintech firms.
Our company work includes:
Our barristers have significant expertise in the pursuit and defence of civil fraud claims, arising in both commercial and non-commercial contexts.
We are involved at all stages, from pre-claim investigations, to urgent injunctions (including, in particular, freezing injunctions), Norwich Pharmacal and non-party disclosure applications, to the tracing and recovery of assets in the UK and other jurisdictions.
We are able to draw upon our expertise in trusts and fiduciary principles to help establish claims and recover assets, both against wrongdoers and third parties.
Our work in this area often overlaps with other areas of expertise, particularly Partnership & LLP Law, Commercial and Business Disputes, Insolvency, Company law and Trusts & Estates.
We have particular expertise in claims involving defaulting trustees, directors and other fiduciaries, including Court of Protection appointed deputies and attorneys acting under a lasting power of attorney.
Contact our experienced Clerks to find out which Commercial & Business Disputes barristers would be ideal for you. They have many years of experience and will ensure that you receive a premium service and advise on the suitability, availability and cost of instructing specialist Counsel.
Call +44 (0)20 7405 0758
Email clerks@tenoldsquare.com
Barristers here deal with the full range of commercial disputes, both advising and appearing in court. Members are regularly involved in urgent and heavy interim applications in respect of complex and high value disputes in the Commercial Court, Queen’s Bench Division and the Business and Property Courts of England and Wales as well as arbitrations.
Our members have substantial experience of ensuring the enforcement (and resisting the same) of interim orders, particularly freezing injunctions and ancillary disclosure applications, through the medium of committal applications.
What areas of law are covered by commercial chancery?
We cover all areas of business law at Ten Old Square. Commercial chancery work covers commercial disputes often with a “chancery” element, this includes companies, shares, property, fiduciary duties, trusts, banking, mortgages, loans, guarantees, fraud, tracing and many other business disputes.
We have a range of very experienced barristers used to dealing with high value and complicated commercial chancery disputes. We also have a skilled and experienced clerking team.
We appear in all courts in England and Wales and in international jurisdictions as well. Chancery Commercial cases often start in the Commercial Court or the Business and Property Courts, but they can start in other courts and tribunals and are often conducted by arbitration. We will have an experienced barrister able to appear for you or your client.
How do I select a barrister for a commercial chancery dispute?
This website contains details of the barristers at Ten Old Square to assist you. You should speak to one of our clerks who are highly experienced in matching the right barrister to the correct business dispute.
What are the fees for instructing a barrister in a commercial chancery dispute?
We aim to provide a cost-effective service and will strive to ensure that our fees are competitive. Our Clerks will advise you of the hourly rate applicable to any barrister in Chambers and for any piece of work and this will be agreed in advance taking into account the nature of the case and its complexity, and the experience of the barrister instructed.
Examples of work undertaken by Ten Old Square include: