Jeremy Callman and Thomas Arnull to deliver MBL Webinar
1st Mar 2022
Partnership & LLP Law – A Roundup
This live and interactive session will cover the following:
- Key case law developments in partnership and LLP law:
- Tribe v Elborne Mitchell LLP – Decision making in partnerships and LLPs, just how far will Braganza duties be applied in partnerships?
- Wilson v The Commissioners for HMRC – The latest on whether a member can also be an employee? How definite is the divide between employee and member/partner?
- Rennie v Rennie, Dymoke v Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK Ltd – Will natural justice be required in the context of removing a partner or member? Should the individual up for termination have a right to be heard?
- PwC LLP v Carmichael – What do we learn about how the Courts will approach restrictive covenants for LLPs (and partnerships)?
- Joseph v Deloitte NSE LLP – The Court’s approach to construing and applying LLP and partnership agreements? How strictly will they be applied?
- Boyle v Burke – What does it mean to dissolve a traditional partnership? What causes a partnership to dissolve (and what doesn’t)?
- How those cases fit into the ‘bigger picture’
- Recent know how and best practice in partnership and LLP law as revealed by the cases considered and discussed
- An opportunity to enhance understanding and to discuss recent cases with leading practitioner insight
Sign up for the webinar here
Jeremy Callman Call 1991 Thomas Arnull Call 2019